ROYAL CANIN floor stand


Foldable design, practical and easy to assemble.


Our metal display is the quintessence of innovation and functionality. Construction made entirely of metal, it offers not only sturdiness, but also environmental consciousness. Thanks to its careful construction, the rack is easy to disassemble and transport, saving time and logistics costs for our customers. Reduced dimensions during transport and a reduced carbon footprint are other advantages that allow us to be environmentally friendly. Product safety is guaranteed thanks to the rack's stable and sturdy construction, which makes our product stand out from the competition. All this is made possible by the dedication and talent of our designers and engineers, who constantly strive for perfection in every detail.

Channel: pet shop
Dimensions: w:62cm x d:41cm x h:170cm
Range of project: design, technical solution, manufacturing, installations
Materials: steel construction, metal sheet, PVC, digital printing